Risk Management

Compliance and
Performance Standards

Ikara’s unique offering accelerates service performance and standards conformance with rapid implementation and quick time to value. The Service Assurance platform provides executives with the right tools to reduce risks, avoid non-compliance costs and penalties, and optimise resources.

Unified data insights

Deliver accurate and simplified details that clearly blends commercial and technical insight.

24/7 Real-Time Monitoring

Monitor your compliance with policies, and report and detect violations in real time.

Create open dialog

Transparency between service providers and their clients reduces confusion and protects both parties.

Align for growth

Proactive monitoring helps end users and IT teams align with organizational objectives.

Reduce risk and understand the importance of compliance standards.

Data governance and regulatory compliance

Technical data governance and compliance issues can negatively impact all levels of an organization if they are not addressed.

More and more, customers are expecting companies to be transparent. Governments are imposing stricter rules about storing data and keeping records to be as transparent, accountable and reliable as possible.

To assure service quality and manage third-party risks, you need to measure your suppliers’ performance against their contractual obligations.

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Service Assurance for executives

For executives, Industry 4.0 represents a need for insights into Total Business Experience and composability, relevant source data regarding supply chains, and certainty over organizational obligations.

Ikara offers these executives and operators a Service Assurance platform for documenting compliance with standards; it offers technical and non-technical operators supplier warranties reporting and assurance, in addition to showing scale.

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Improve your Business Performance

Protect against risks and ensure that your business is compliant to regulations and standards.