

Security Compliance

Supplier Transparency and Compliance

Enhancing Supplier Compliance


In response to increasing regulatory demands, organisations must now ensure their service providers adhere to stringent compliance standards, such as those mandated by the Security of Critical Infrastructure (SOCI) Act and CPS 230.

This new reality requires customers to enforce strict service warranties, holding their partners accountable throughout the contract lifecycle.

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Globally, organisations are being challenged by regulators to ensure improved supplier transparency, aligning operational service delivery to industry compliance standards. ​

This transition obliges customers to contract their service partners via back-to-back service warranties which are to be adequately monitored throughout the life of the service contract. Examples include Security of Critical Infrastructure (SOCI) and CPS 230. Whilst a service provider may not be a regulated entity, they become contractually bound to comply with the obligations of the customer.​

For service providers and customers, the operational overhead of maintaining and reporting compliance with these obligations is a complex, costly and often manual set of tasks, which are time consuming and are often hard to scale. ​

  • Define the performance and security standards that they must maintain in operations.​
  • Link those standards to measurable supplier contract warranties in operations.​
  • Visualise service compliance from relevant data sources within the service environment and other reporting tools already deployed. ​
  • Automate the reporting attestation for regulatory audit requirements.​
  • Establish transparency in operations, through greater insight into the commercial accountabilities of suppliers​