
Chief Information Officer

Successfully deliver digital transformation projects.

Ikara can help deliver new IT or software systems successfully by providing visibility tools and planning support.

Service Assurance for CIO’s

The Chief Information Officer is responsible for the overall operating environment overseeing multiple internal departments; manage third-party suppliers and associated contracts.

How Ikara fits in.

As digital replaces manual process and an effective organisation is defined by its ability to acquire data insights which inform strategy and conduct risk governance, the CIO has become a COO by proxy.

Reshaping service delivery

As of 2022, CIOs have a wider view of IT than simply managing it. To leverage instead of manage IT, they must ensure that risk, business experience, cost, and productivity are carefully configured to support corporate agility. In order to achieve these goals, Ikara’s CIO clients have reshaped service delivery into an agile, data-informed ecosystem where Service Assurance standards inform the experience that IT is delivering to users and the performance of third parties delivering services.

Take control over performance standards

The Ikara platform uses machine learning and natural language processing to enable IT operations and service management personnel to quickly identify whether an event is in breach of service standards and who is immediately required to take action to bring the system back into alignment with standards, allowing all key stakeholders to be informed in real time. Ikara platform empowers CIOs to reduce IT operations and service governance costs by more than 30%.

Ask how we can help you achieve greatness!

See how we can help you understand and quickly resolve service and experience-impacting problems. Simplify the complexity of managing communication and infrastructure environments.